The Origins of Our Story
Once upon a time, there was a teenager called Evon Lee (aka the wicked one), who transferred to an international school. Now, Diana Lee (aka the devilish one) has already been there for about 2 years by then. They met, they became friends, and now they're inseperable (by heart). In the beginning, they were just plain, normal friends. Until one day, fate thought that it was time for the world to have a couple of insanely weird best friends. Evon's family thus moved to the apartment directly above Diana's! Oh, the trouble (and fun) those two were always up to! However, like all good stories, there was a sad turn of events. Evon had to move back to Malaysia. Fortunately, the city that Evon moved back to, was also the very same city that Diana's father was from! With another stroke of luck, they were able to maintain and develop their friendship.

Now, they have grown up (ish), and are both in universities. Evon is studying in Melaka, and Diana is studying in England. Despite the even longer distance, their hearts and friendship only grew stronger and closer. Their story will continue for the rest of their lives, and will include various tales of happiness, sadness, adventure, weirdness, and many others! With this blog, they will piece together their lives - separately and together. They will post things about their lives in Malaysia/England, or wherever else they decide to explore, and they will most definitely post things about the times when they are finally reunited again.
Evon: "Stay tune peeps!"
Diana: "Stop being weird, it's time for bed."
Weird narrator voice that came out from no where: "Good Night"
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