Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Wanderlust: a strong desire to travel 

SO. I've been doing quite a bit of travelling lately! After my finals, and after packing all of my things up (storing them for the summer), I went to London to meet up with a few of my secondary school friends. It was really great meeting them again <3 We went to watch Jurassic World hehe :D One of my friend was laughing inappropriately whenever someone gets eaten by a dinosaur.. *ahem* -.-

Anyway. After that, my family and I went to EDINBURGH! Despite the sun, it was really windy there!
The Castle :D 

View from the top of the castle~ 

Holyrood Palace! We were not allowed to take pictures inside D: But it was definitely super fancy! My favourite bit of any castles is the beautiful and intricate decorations that can be seen on the ceilings! 

We climbed up the mountain near the castle :) 

After that, our little vacation brings us down to the HADRIAN'S WALL. TBH, I expected more... :P The view was spectacular! 
Ah yes, after Edinburgh, Celine joined us :D 

Of course I had to climb on top of the wall... :P Never mind the fact that I was wearing a maxi skirt that day LOL 

 We then continued our journey down to LAKE DISTRICT

I have heard so much about this place from so many people, and it is even more breathtaking than I had expected! 

We took a ferry across to another island :) 

Celine and I also had temporary tattoos because... glitter tattoos..! :P 

We also went to NOTTINGHAM for a day, where we went to the castle and to the University :) 

This is a very nice outdoors cafe place in CAMBRIDGE - perfect for when the weather is brilliant and you just want to chill and relax with a nice cup of tea and, of course, SCONES!! 
It's called 'Orchard Tea Gardens'

I was extremely pleased with my choice - raspberry, cranberry & elderflower fruit tea :) 

Oh, we also had to move my brother's things down to London... So we rented another car from Europcar, and they gave us a free upgrade to a Mercedes Benz ;) woop woop! 

Then at last, the day of my brother's graduation :) 

And um, Celine really wanted the pink balloon.. :P 

Ah yes, later that evening, we went to see Taylor Swift in Hyde Park, London!!! She was simply AMAZING <3 the concert was so much better that I thought it'd be! My dream of watching a live Taylor Swift concert had finally come true!! My friends and I had arrived later than everyone else, because there were a bunch of other singers before Taylor Swift and we weren't that keen on waiting for that long. I mean, we could see the big screen just fine - if you ignore those people who would ride on other people's shoulders -.- We did manage to sort of see her... :p but she was super tiny hehe :P it was still an amazing experience and like she said, a dearly cherished memory <3 

SO. Right now, I am in GREECE! I know the current economical situation is not exactly ideal, but I don't think it will affect me that much. I can understand my dad's concerns, and I do wish that I can make him worry less - without giving up this amazing opportunity. The AIESECers here are extremely friendly and so lovely and adorable :) I am really glad I am able to meet them! They have been so welcoming, kind, sweet and so warming and supportive, always looking out for me and always recommending yummy foods to me haha! As my host lives about 5 minutes away from the port, we would walk down there quite often for food - there are a long stretch of cafes and restaurants along the port. The view never cease to amaze me :) And I can't wait to go to the beach here - it must be spectacular!

The ferry port - sunset :') 

My host's ADORABLE CAT <3 He has really warmed up to me hehe and he's a total sweetie :D 

I really do hope that my dad will let me stay in Greece until the end of my internship. I don't want to leave this place :( But regardless of when I leave, I will try to enjoy every moment of my time here :) 


Saturday, 6 June 2015


(我的中文不太好,可是因为不想让某人看到,所以只好用中文写这个post了 哈哈 请别见笑!)


我一开始就已经对他有点兴趣。 那时候我们几乎每天都会一起吃饭、聊天、常常说笑。甚至还一起看过几部电影呢!虽然我们两那时候不太熟,但是他对我很好。当我哥哥把我赶出他的房间时,他就会让我待在他的房间读书。当他去朋友家过夜时,他会让我睡在他的房间里(因为我通常是睡地板上 T T)。可是我觉得我那时候不是真正的喜欢他吧,而是因为想要把另一个人忘掉,才把感情集中在那个人的身上..

后来,农历新年的时候又见到他了。我们又会经常一起吃饭、聊天。我觉得我跟他蛮有默契的。他人又帅又善良,我跟他聊天时 感觉很自在。不知不觉的,想每天见他一面。


我..还不太清楚是不是真正的喜欢他。我其实有试过在FB上跟他聊天,可是每次都没有聊到很久。可能他不喜欢在 FB 上聊天吧?我也不知道。

其实我有想过跟他告白。可是我怎么看来看去,真的觉得他对我没什么兴趣。可能一直以来 他对我那么好的原因是因为我是他的好朋友的妹妹吧...

喜欢一个人怎么那么难呢?喜欢一个人的感觉又甜又酸... 但是,当你喜欢的那个人不喜欢你的话...那种感觉好痛苦哦。我觉得我被诅咒过,每次喜欢一个人的时候,结果都会很悲惨的。可能是我太倒霉了吧  哎~

不知道为什么感觉这么感伤 哈哈 好奇怪哦... 可是说了出来,心里舒服点。


Post-Exams Celebration!

Aahhh my exams are finally over - thank goodness! Didn't do so well on a couple of them, but oh well xD 

Sadly, I still have not heard back from AIESEC so I still do not know about my plans for this summer T T so annoying! 

On a happier note, my friends and I hung out today, went shopping and had ice cream~ yum yum :D 

Met these two during orientation in our first year - and I am currently living with them, and with two other girls this year. They were one of the few people that made me feel welcome in our uni (and in this country xD) and had really helped me settled in :) Plus, they are weeeeiiiiiird - which is a total bonus! 

Come to think about it, I have already been in England for two years! Damn. That was quick haha.. How does time fly past so rapidly? I only have one more year until I graduate o.0 I can still remember my high school graduation really vividly haha 

So much has changed within these two years.. I feel like I myself have changed quite a bit as well. Certain things has made me re-evaluate my life, and from that, I have grown and matured even more. As cliché as it sounds, I have decided to enjoy the little things in life - because I know how easily one can lose something in life. Sometimes, things simply do not last forever. So I have decided to focus on the present, and live my life as happily as possible; remember the past, and learn from it; look forward to the future, and continue writing my own story. 

"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you'll look back and realise that they were the big things. " 


PS. This post got deep really quickly LOL